Academy Life


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Training Division:

Where Troopers are Made

Instructors at the Virginia State Police Training Division are nationally known for their expertise. The Academy’s mission is to equip Trooper Trainees with the knowledge and skills needed to handle their duties professionally, safely, and with discipline in any situation.

5 Tenets of Training:

  • Teamwork
  • Stress Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership Development

Virginia State Police Academy

Getting ready

Virginia State Police wants you to be setup for success in our Trooper Basic Academy Session. Take a look at what will you need to do to prepare and what to expect when you are in the Trooper Basic Academy Session.


Expectations and Standardized Exercises

Expectations on arrival:

  • Trooper Basic Academy Session Trainees should be able to run distance at a 10 minute-mile pace, complete 30 consecutive push-ups, and 40 sit-ups within a minute. 
    • This will prepare Trainees for the physical fitness test which consists of push-ups, sit-ups, sit and reach, pull-ups, and a mile and a half run.


What to expect for daily physical training:

  • Daily physical training is conducted at 6 AM.
  • Mondays: Workouts consists of group running.
  • Tuesday-Friday: Workouts consist of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • Workouts utilize tires (for flipping) and/or body weight.


Future Trooper Training Program (FTTP):

  • It is highly suggested that future trainees reach out to their recruiter and take advantage of the Future Trooper Training Program (FTTP), which is a monthly organized physical fitness session that exposes future trainees to the physical expectations of the Academy.
    • It is important to note that attending the monthly training is important, however this alone is not sufficient to maintain a high level of fitness and it is encouraged that future trainees continue to work out on their own at home in preparation for the Academy in addition to FTTP.


Phase I: Trooper Basic Academy Session

Trooper Basic Session training lasts a total of 28 weeks, which includes 100 different subjects, requires approx. 1,500 hours of instruction, extensive classroom and practical training.

Phase I topics of training include ethics, leadership, & police professionalism; cultural diversity; motor vehicle and criminal code enforcement; judicial procedures; CPR & first aid; criminal investigations; interview & interrogation; investigative report writing; speed enforcement; crash investigation; defensive tactics & ASP; officer survival; vehicle operations; and firearms proficiency. Every Trooper Trainee is required to meet all minimum training standards as set forth by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justices Services (DCJS).

Phase II: Field Training

Upon graduation, each new Trooper reports to his/her assignment for Phase II. All new Troopers spend an additional 6-8 weeks paired with a Field Training Officer (FTO) learning their job and new patrol area. The purpose of this phase is to allow new troopers the opportunity to benefit from the experience of seasoned Troopers that will coach and mentor them on how to successfully perform all aspects of the job.

After demonstrating proficiency in all areas, the new Trooper is released for duty and certified as a law enforcement officer by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).

Testing and Academic Expectations

Trooper-Trainees shall demonstrate acceptable knowledge and skill levels through written tests and field practical exercises. Course review sessions and retesting are conducted within a week of an initial test date and Trooper-Trainees who fail to achieve a minimum passing grade are required to retake the entire test. Trooper-Trainees who fail to achieve a passing grade on practical tests receive remedial training by staff members, instructors, or mentors.

Trooper-Trainees must maintain an 85% cumulative grade point average (GPA) and pass the DCJS Law Enforcement Certification Exam with at least a 70% in order to progress to Phase II. 

Trooper Basic Academy Session Experience

While in training, Trooper-Trainees are required to live at the Academy – which varies between the North Chesterfield Academy Campus and the Driver Training Complex in Blackstone. Trainees arrive on Sunday evening and remain on campus through Thursday or Friday afternoon, depending on the training schedule for that week. VSP Trooper-Trainees undergo a rigorous, comprehensive Academy experience during their 28-week Trooper Basic Academy Session.

Earn while you learn

While attending our Trooper Basic Academy Session, Trooper-Trainees receive a full salary, meals, and lodging. Trooper-Trainees are also eligible for full benefits and can earn up to 33 college credits. Former military? Then you may be eligible for the GI Bill Training/Apprenticeship program’s salary stipend. Uniforms and all required equipment are provided free of charge to sworn employees throughout your career with us. Every Trooper is issued a take-home “blue-and-gray” patrol car upon graduation from the Trooper Basic Academy Session.

Day in
the Life

of a Trainee

As a live-in Academy, the day of a Trooper-Trainee is structured and routine in order to maximize the hours required to successfully achieve all law enforcement officer standards as set by the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

Training is a mix of classroom study and practical exercises conducted at both VSP Academy facilities, where Trooper-Trainees develop their driving skills, knowledge of state laws, and proficiency with firearms, defensive tactics, criminal investigation, etc. 

6 am
Each day begins with an hour of physical training, alternating between aerobic exercise and strength conditioning.
7:30 am - 8 am
Trooper-Trainees are allotted 30 minutes for breakfast in the Academy cafeteria.
8 am - Noon
Trooper-Trainees spend the first part of their day either in classroom study or participating in practical field exercises, such as driving, firearms, defensive tactics, and criminal investigations
10 am
Inspection of every squad room is conducted daily by Academy staff.
Noon - 12:30 pm
Trainees are given 30 minutes for lunch in the Academy cafeteria.
12:30 pm - 1 pm
Military drill is conducted daily to help Trooper-Trainees build cohesion within one’s platoon.
1 pm - 5 pm
Classroom instruction and field training continues for the Trooper-Trainees.
5 pm
Trooper-Trainees are given 30 minutes for dinner in the Academy cafeteria.
5:30 pm
Trooper Trainees use this time for testing, studying, performing cleaning duties, and developing bonds with their classmates.
10 pm
Lights out — all Trooper-Trainees must be in their bunks.

Training Division

Training takes place at the Department’s North Chesterfield Training Academy and the state-of-the-art Driver Training Complex in Blackstone. The Trooper Basic Academy Session training environment is a balanced blend of hard and soft skill development, that includes academics, practical scenarios, and testing, provided by a skilled cadre of sworn and civilian instructors. Both campuses feature full-service cafeterias, auditorium-style classrooms, fitness facilities, and dormitories.

Our Training Facilities

Training Academy

Located in North Chesterfield, the Training Academy campus includes, an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium and a multi-disciplined, core strength-building fitness course. This is VSP’s primary training facility, where new Trooper-Trainees report their very first day. The facility also features a VSP Museum, K-9 kennels/training course, and the Colonel C.W. Woodson Memorial Gallery.

Driver Training Complex

The Driver Training Complex features the largest and most diversified Public Safety Driver Training Track in Virginia. The track enables Trooper-Trainees to practice and perfect their driving skills in all environments – interstate to rural to urban to gravel roads. Trooper-Trainees also utilize the four, state-of-the-art, 50-yard, 18-lane covered ranges for firearms training. 

Supporting Success

Your Wellness Matters

The Virginia State Police is dedicated to building resilient, mindful, and successful public safety professionals.  This mission is accomplished through the Mental Wellness Unit’s resiliency and cognitive fitness training.  The Wellness Unit remains active with the Department’s workforce both within and outside the Academy, providing successful strategies to mitigate and manage stress, as well as enhance communication.  The Wellness Officer and Therapy K9, Piper, meet with Trainees regularly throughout their training, as well as with Department personnel one-on-one as needed to ensure that the Department’s Troopers and civilian staff remain prepared, healthy, and strong.

Troopers Rise Above

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